What a super week, ending in a super day, all by super players. I’m not referring to Taylor and Travis as the stars. Instead, I am referring to our own bus club members who are making the raffle bus a real super jewel. John Manning has been the all-around player. He started by figuring out a way to straighten the edges of the pop top so it would fit in the rain gutter channels. Russell and he implemented his plan on Monday and Tuesday by gluing metal rails onto the sides with industrial-strength glue that binds to the fiberglass. His calculations worked and the sides of the pop top are now straight as an arrow. John sanded smooth many of the rough spots on the roof and followed Phil’s suggestion of a way to use a special epoxy to fill holes after they were sanded and rust was eliminated. Greg, Mark, and Russell worked on the inside cabinet to make it look great. New doors and a lower drawer were made. The countertop with sink and faucet, along with a slider for the gas stove is being devised. John prepared a nice sheet metal piece for the passenger floorboard. All this was done before the super crew came today to get a ton of work done. It is amazing how the team can do so much. We had a pleasant surprise with our own Sergeant of Arms, James Jones driving down from Prescott to help us with welding. He and Bill worked as a tag team to get the floor boards mostly done. Ed brought the bus club compressor out of storage, then expertly created a 220 Volt circuit from the electrical panel so that the compressor could be used. He also worked on other jobs that needed his skills. The compressor was found to be leaking, so he figured it out so that all that is needed is a regulator, of which, Bill has spares in his drawers at home. Brian worked tirelessly today cleaning and prepping the luggage rack for the upcoming paint job. Dave C. worked tirelessly hunched over the engine to finish the painting and then worked on the inside body work. He did this, all while, he had a sore back. Mark P. was like Picasso. He created works of art out of the top bed that has to be replaced for reasons not mentionable. The stain job he did was a masterpiece. Through this all, Wayne was working to smooth out spots that needed it and consulting on what was going to be needed for the upcoming paint day. Roy made a special visit with the bumpers he had somehow miraculously straightened. He also brought with him fabric for which we came to a consensus for the upcoming bus interior. It is going to look snazzy. As in the past, Greta made a super feast including Caribbean vegetable stew and a tropical fruit salad. Fresh squeezed lemonade was a hit too.
If you want to join in the fun mark your calendar and plan to join us on a Saturday. Check the calendar to see what is planned. If you want to come during the week, let us know, It is likely something can be worked out. There will not be a bus build on Saturday 2/17/24, as many of us are going to the Naked Dates campout. The following Saturday 2/24/24 likely will have one.
Author: Russell Greene
See more images from the week here.

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