How time flies when you are having fun! That’s what we had today, fun, fun, fun. Oh, and we got a lot done in a short amount of time. We thank Sue (Susan) Rice for the donuts which none of us should have had, but we all had to “try”. It’s amazing that with 10 workers (John, Dave C, Sue R, Russell, Brian, Ed, Bill R, Wayne, Clinton, Ray and Greta) a lot gets done. Dave prepped and painted the engine compartment a nice black color. Now, it looks like you can eat off those tins. Ed, the jack of all trades- did body prepping, sanded the dash and painted it black- to perfection. Sue cleaned the nasty windows and removed peeling window tint to bring renewed beauty to them. Brian carefully removed rivets and prepped the crusty luggage rack for painting. Clinton worked on the wire wheel to clean screws, washers and parts from the luggage rack so all would be ready for re-installation. Bill fought with the ABC welder. Last week, he had resurrected it after many years in storage. Unfortunately, in its maiden voyage it seemed that the welding wire was too small (0.23 mm) and kept jamming in the machine. He did get a small previously rusted area in the driver’s foot area cleanly patched. John worked on prepping the windows that Phil had repaired so that the small pinpoint holes from the rust area would be sealed. He used a thin layer of fiberglass-filled bondo over the places that had been welded. Allowed that to cure, then gently sanded it smooth. The areas now look to be water-tight. Wayne further sanded and smoothed the bus surface defects so that when it is painted, it will go on smooth. Russell helped with some sanding and prep work for the welding. Ray appeared later in the day, and helped with some body work. Greta prepared a feast with yummy spaghetti and salad with watermelon for dessert. A true feast! We are getting close to painting-time. One or two more weekends, and we will be there.
Author: Russell Greene
See all the images from today here.

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